Products + Markets Covered


20470 - Dog & Cat food (Miscellaneous)
20473 - Dog food
2047321 - - Dog food: Canned: Ration
2047323 - - Dog food: Canned: Other
2047326 - - Dry & Semimoist dog food: packages of <25 lb
2047338 - - Dry & Semimoist dog food: packages of =>25 lb
2047399 - - Dog food (Miscellaneous)
20474 - Cat food
2047441 - - Cat food: Canned: Fish base
2047443 - - Cat food: Canned: Meat base
2047445 - - Cat food: Canned: other (Ration meal base)
2047454 - - Dry cat food
2047457 - - Semimoist cat food
2047499 - - Cat food (Miscellaneous)
20475 - Pet food (General)
2047535 - - Fresh & Frozen horsemeat
2047552 - - Pet food (General) excl dog & Cat food
2047599 - - Pet food (Miscellaneous)
20476 - Specialty feeds
2047661 - - Specialty feeds: Laboratory (Mouse, Guinea pig, etc.)
2047663 - - Specialty feeds: Fur (Mink, Fox, etc.)
2047665 - - Specialty feeds: Bird (Wild, Tame, Pigeon, Game)
2047667 - - Specialty feeds: Rabbit
2047669 - - Specialty feeds: Other
2047699 - - Specialty feeds (Miscellaneous)
2047XX0 - - Dog, Cat & other Pet food (Miscellaneous - Volume)
2047XX2 - - Dog, Cat & other Pet food (Miscellaneous - Speciality)

ALSO see related Title: 2048 Database

Selected Input Materials & Supplies in the Database

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